Ø The focus of this lesson is to construct and resolve The Italian, French and German augmented 6th chord in the minor key.

This image will view Napoleon's 6th, Italian, French, and German augmented 6th and the cadential 6/4 chord. 



 Ø When constructing the augmented 6th chord, the first is to place the 6th scale degree in the base for either of them.

This image shows how to resolve the Italian, French, and German augmented 6th chords. 


Ø Secondly, above the bass note in the soprano is where to place a sharp 4th  scale degree.

This image displays the Italian 6th  chord in a four-part voice using the key of A minor. 


Ø The note in the soprano will resolve up by half step, while the note in the base resolves down by half step, which is an octave from the note above.

 This image displaced the German augmented 6th chord in a four-part melody in the key of C minor.


Ø The Italian, French, and German will use the tonic in the tenor voice.

This image is the French augmented 6th chord resolving, and it is in the key of D sharp minor. 


Ø The tenor voice's Italian and French scale degree one will resolve down by half step to the leading tone note. And the German scale degree one in the tenor voice will keep a common tone before resolving because of the credential 6/4 chord.


 Ø The Italian will double up on the tonic, using it also in the alto voice, which will resolve up by step.


Ø The French will use the second scale degree in the alto, which will keep a common tone when resolving. 


Ø The German will use a flat third scale degree in the alto, keeping a common tone due to the credential 6/4 chord and then resolving to the fifth chord. 

In this video, you will be able to view:

Describing the augmented 6th chord as chromatic.

The difference between the 6th scale degree in the major and minor scale.

How to find the augmented 6th above scale degree 6th.

Expressing the three different forms of the augmented 6th chord.

Describing the augmented 6th and how to construct it. 

In this video, you will be able to view:

Expression of the three Augmented 6th chords.

The importance of the leading to note.

Describing the secondary dominant chord.

Describe the strength of the augmented 6th chord.

Discussing the function of the augmented 6th chord.

Explaining the construction of the augmented 6th chord and how it gets its name.

The displaying of a melody example.

Using the whole tone scale as a reference.

Piano listening example.

I have composed this melody above the baseline using the Italian augmented 6th chord.

In this video, I am performing the melody above. 


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