Ø There are three types of binary forms, rounded binary, balanced binary, and simple binary. They all consist of two parts, with both parts normally repeated and ending with a cadence.

This image is an example of a melody written in binary form It begins in A minor in the A section., and modulates in the B section to C major, the related major key. 



Ø The rounded binary form begins with a repeated A section, followed by a contrasting B section, which comes before the reinstated section A that is sometimes varied. The beginning of section A normally starts on the tonic and ends in the tonic Key that could be a half cadence. The B section can begin in a key other than the tonic or employ other techniques to emphasize the contrast. The return of section A takes place in the tonic key and ends with a cadence in the home key.

 In this image of the binary form, it identifies section A, section B and the return of Section A.



Ø The balanced binary form includes two parts, A and B. This time the melodic part at the end of section A is used at the end of section B, and section A after modulating, usually ends in a key closely related, with an authentic cadence. In section B, the first set of phrases uses frequent tonicization or sequence, having it unstable. If section A at the opening modulates, section B at the end will transpose, ending the entire piece in the tonic key.

Ø The simple binary form considered when no materials are return to section B from section A.


Ø The ternary form involves three sections, A – B – AorA’, the section A returns after a contrasting B section, and may sometimes be slightly varied. A transition or short bridge may occur between section B and the returning A sections. Section B begins in a different key, either parallel to the tonic or closely related, and ends in the same key with an HC or PAC. The returning A section begins and ends on the tonic ending with a PAC in the home key.

This image shows the layout of the A-B-A ternary form. 


In this image, the melody identifies the three sections of the

 ternary form, it also identified direct modulation in the relative

 key in two areas.


You would be able to view in this video of a binary form.

Explanation of form,

How did the term in forms,

How to diagram a melody,

Describing the binary form,

Showing a listening example of the binary form and explaining it using a diagram.

Explaining a rounded binary form, and what to expect.

The diagram of a rounded binary form.

Showing a listening example of a rounded binary form and explaining it.

Explaining the same melody, using a diagram.

You would be able to view in this video the binary and ternary form.

Describing what is form,

Explaining binary form,

How to identify binary form,

Showing a listening example of the binary form,

Explaining the same melody.

Explaining the rounded binary form,

Showing a listening example of a rounded binary form,

Explaining the same melody.

Explaining the ternary form.

Showing a listening example of the ternary reform,

Explaining the same melody.

Minuet in G major, written in binary form.


 I am performing in this video, Minuet in G major, written in

 binary form.


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