* In this lesson we covered, three new cadence types, the basic, root progressions, and other diatonic harmonies. 

* Both the deceptive cadence and deceptive resolution are made up of V-vi or VI, and the difference is the deceptive cadence is found at the end of a phrase while the deceptive resolution, in the middle.

The Deceptive Cadence Layout 

The Deceptive Resolution Layout 

* The plagal cadence is also known as the "Amen" cadences, and it is often used at the end of hymns as an extension. This cadence is made up of IV-I or iv-i, and it prolongs the end with I-IV-I. This cadence is also used as a progression in some rock and blues pieces, and it served as the basic source of the harmonic structure. 

The Plagal Cadence Layout


* The Phrygian cadence is a half cadence identified as iv6-V in minor keys with a descending half step from ♭6 to 5 and ♭2 to 1. The highest part would usually move a whole step from 4-5, and only the 1st is double in the iv6. 

* The basic root progression is consists of descending fifth, descending third, and ascending second. 

* These are the arrangement of chords in its root progression of descending fifth in major keys I-IV-vii-iii-vi-ii-V-I, and in minor keys i-iv-vii𝇈(orVII)-III-VI-ii𝇈-V-I. 

* The connection of chords as root progression in descending thirds are in major keys I-vi-IV-ii-vii𝇈-V-iii-I and in minor keys i-VI-iv-ii𝇈-vii𝇈(or VII)-V,-III-i.

One Phrase Basic Progression

This Is A Piano Performance Of The Melody Above

Andrew Lewis Performance Of The Melody Above

Video On Cadences

Video On Deceptive Cadences and Resolution 



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