The structure of most tonal music is similar to that of a paragraph. Most paragraphs are made up of different types of sentences that end differently. The closing sentence of a paragraph always uses a final ending.  Music is also designed with the same structure as a paragraph, these type of sentences are known as phrases. With the different cadence marking the end of these phrases, they work like the punctuation mark in a sentence.

Image of A Vocal 

Open Score

Vocal Close Score 

* With these melodic, harmonic and rhythmic elements, it makes a phrase sounds complete, and most of the time, they are made up of four to eight measures. A musical-phrase is consists of three areasthe opening tonic area, the dominant area and the tonic closure or T-D-T.

A Vocal Score With Phrase Marking

* There are various types of cadence use at the end of a musical phrase, the most genuine is having the fifth chord move to the first this progression is called an authentic cadence (AC). It is most effective when it is referred to as the perfect authentic cadence (PAC) when in root-position, and also when the 7th or 2nd in the soprano moves to 1st, it gives a complete closure. The imperfect authentic cadence (IAC) is when there is a week progression between the two ending chords, especially the 4-3 ending in the soprano. The half cadences (HC) usually have a fifth chord ending and in root position with a second in the soprano. 

Image of A Perfect Authentic Cadence

* Soprano, alto, tenor and bass are the most commonly used parts in singing, and these voices in a music score are identified as SATB. The stems in the score determine the voice part. For example, in the treble clef staff, the soprano stem goes up, and the alto goes down. The bass clef staff have the tenor stems going up while the bass going down.

This Image Shows The Layout of The Stems 

* There is a vocal range to all of the voices. The bass ranges from E2 to D4, the tenor from C3 to G4, alto from G3 to D5, and the soprano from C4 to G5.

This Is An SATB Arrangement To The Solo Melody

This Is A Performance of Hush Little Baby Alto Part

        This Video Supplies Information On Doubling and Spacing    

This Video Provides You With Some of The Basic Rules 


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