
* Triads are made up of three notes, once in root position, the bottom note is the root note and the notes above it is a third and a fifth from the root.

* In root position, the fifth can either be perfect, augmented or diminished, an augmented fifth, is made up of two major thirds and a diminished fifth, is made up of two minor thirds. The triad of a perfect fifth can either be major or minor, the major triad is consist of a major third at the bottom while a minor triad is made up of a minor third at the bottom.   

* In a major scale, all of the notes can be used to build triads. Once all of the notes are belonging to the scale the first, fourth and fifth degree, are major triads and the second, third and sixth, degree are minor triads while the seventh degree is a diminished triad.

* The notes of a minor scale can also be used to build triads, This time the first, second and fourth are minor triads and the third, fifth and sixth are major triads while the seventh is still a diminished triad.

* These triads can arrange into different inversion changing the order. In the inversion of root position, the root note is in the bass and the top note is a fifth, from the bass note, which is written as 5/3 in figured bass. The first inversion has the third degree of the triad in the bass while the root note is at the top so from the bass to the top note is a sixth and in figured bass, 6/3 is the written symbol for this. The last is the second inversion, this inversion build with the fifth degree of the triad in the bass and the third degree at the top. From the bass to the top note is a sixth and the figured bass symbol is 6/4.




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