Ledger Lines

* Ledger lines notes are also arranged in alphabetical order when going above the staff, for example, the top line of the treble clef is F and the note above it is G and it continues as A, B, C and on and on. 

* The ledger line notes below the staff move in the opposite direction of the alphabet, for example, the bottom line note of the treble clef is E and the note just under it is D and it continues as  C, B, A and on and on.

 * Knowing that a sharp will take the note a semitone higher and a flat will lower it by a semitone. A double sharp used before the head of a note will raise it by two semitones and a double flat will lower it by two semitones. These are also ways in which notes are recognized as enharmonic equivalent to other notes. For example, C double sharp is also D natural and C double flat is also B♭. Normally these type of accidentals is used in melodies where the notes are already affected by an accidental in the key signature. 
                                     C Double Sharp                                  D Natural

                                       B Flat                                             C Double Flat

The Piano Black and White Keys

 * The piano is made up of a number of white and black keys, the black keys are in sets of twos and threes, with two of the white keys between each set of black keys and one white key between each black key in each of the sets. The name of the white key that comes before each set of the two black keys is called C and continuing to the right each white key is named in alphabetical order using the first seven letters of the alphabet. On the piano, these letters are rotated, for every time a letter makes a rotation it is called an octave. While the white keys represent all natural notes, the black keys are used for sharps and flats. Knowing that sharps are used to make notes a semitone higher, the black key to the right of the white keys are the sharps for those white keys. For example, the black key at the right of C is called C sharp and these black Keys are also used to flatten notes. After all, a flat is used to lower a note by a semitone and on the piano, these Keys are at the left of the white keys. For example, the black key at the left of D is called D flat if you would notice D flat and C sharp both use the same black key, they both have the same pitch this is called enharmonic equivalent.


 Pitch and Pitch Class

Pitch is the highness and lowness of sound, these sounds can be identified in melodies through any of these 12 different pitches which is notated as, A, Bb, B, C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, Gb, G, Ab and A.

A     Bb     B      C        Db     D     Eb     E         F      Gb     G    Ab        A.

* Pitch Class are notes of the same letter name or its enharmonic equivalent that has the same sound but are an octave or octaves higher or lower.

You Tuba Link 

The Chromatic Scale One Octave


* These are an example of some of the notes that belongs to the pitch class of C and they are C2, C3, B#3, C4, C5 and C6  


 This Is An Example of A Music Score.

* The top staff is the treble clef and it is also called the G clef.

* The third staff from the bottom is the C clef and when its arrow on the middle line it is called the alto clef.

* The second clef is also the C clef but this time the arrow is on the fourth line and it is called the tenor clef.

* The bottom staff clef is the bass clef and it is called the F clef. 

* On the treble clef staff, middle C is the first ledger line note below the staff and wherever the arrow is on the C clef is middle C. The bass clef staff has middle C as the first ledger line note above the staff. 


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