Simple Time Meter Rhythm

* The top number will tell you how many beats are in each bar and the bottom number tells
what not will get one beat.

With 8 at the bottom, the quaver gets one beat.

* Cut time is the same as 2/2 which means, 2 beats in a bar and the minim gets one beat. 

* Three beats in a bar and the mini gets one beat.

* Four beats in a bar and the minim gets one beat

Rhythmic Notation in Simple Meters

In a simple meter, every beat is a crotchet beat.

 Rhythm Meter In Compound Time

In compound time every beat is a dotted crotchet beat.

12/8  compound quadruple 

9/8  compound triple

6/8  compound duple

Hemiola and Syncopated Rhythms 

In this syncopated melody, the accent begins on the second half of the first beat and last for one beat and continue with the same pattern. At the beginning of each bar, there is a half-beat rest that begins each bar on the offbeat and continues with the other two beats in each bar as an offbeat.   

A Melody Written as Hemiola Rhythm



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