
Showing posts from September, 2021
  LESSON 2 VOICE-LEADING CHORDS Ø The dominant-function chords are chords usually used to expand the tonic area, which is the vii 0 triad (usually in 1 st inversion), and the 7 th chords vii ø 7 and vii 07 . They are sometimes used to substitute the dominant harmonies, and both the dominant and leading chords use notes of the same degree, such as the 7 th, 4 th, and 2 nd degree. The harmonizing of these chords is weak, and they work well at the beginning or in the middle of a phrase expanding the tonic area. Ø The triad of the leading tone vii 06 chord lies between two of the tonic chords having scale degree two in the base. The first one of the tonic chord is in root position, and the note in the bass is scale degree one. While the tonic chord that follows the vii 06 chord has a scale-degree three in the bass, and it is a first inversion chord. In this event, the vii 06 form a passing tone chord with the melodic lines of the bass ascending and the soprano descending. T...
  LESSON 1 EMBELLISHING TONES In this lesson, we had covered Embellishing Tones. The purpose of embellished notes is to add musical decorations or ornamentations to the harmony that will enable it to flourish.  Even though it makes a musical composition sounds interesting, few are  still made up of block chords. These e mbellish notes are sometimes referred to as "nonharmonic or nonchord- tones,"  and those that are covered in this lesson are passing tone, neighbor tone, incomplete neighbor tone, double neighbor, suspension, retardation, anticipation, and pedal point. * Passing tones are dissonances, this type of melodic embellishment is approached by step, either ascending or descending, and continues in the same direction by step.  This can also take place with notes arranging chromatically and is called chromatic passing tone. These Are Images Of Passing Tones * Neighbor tones are also dissonance melodic embellishment that is approached by step, either ascend...